Refund Policy

If by chance you purchase your ticket and can no longer make it to Blend Conf, we recommend that you take a minute (or two) to review our return policy.


If you decide to cancel your conference ticket, Blend Conf can refund you up until August 21st. There will be a $75 charge to to cancel and refund your ticket. After August 21st we won't be able to offer any refunds. We will be sending items to print and ordering a number of goodies (notebooks, tshirts, food) on August 21st which means that if you cancel after the 1st, the goodies still have to be paid for.

Transferring Your Pass

If you can't make it and would like to transfer your pass you can email us at and we'll take care of it for you. Like the refunds, the cutoff date for transfers will be August 15th.

Supportive Sponsors

Over the years we've looking for sponsors that didn't want to be boring. I think we accomplished that and came up with some pretty interesting ideas. Our sponsors have been the best and we appreciate their support to make BlendConf a success.